
The Vectyr šŸ”„BrandForge in Detail

The ultimate strategic branding solution for new B2C businesses
The BrandForge is Vectyr's formal branding process that results in a Brand Architecture that will be the single source of truth to improve every interaction with your audience.

We build amazing brands using a proprietary process that is packed to the gills with as much value as we can provide to specifically help B2C businesses like yours connect right out of the gates with a defined audience so you can hit your financial goals faster.

Get ready for an exciting, creative, and enlightening experience that will equip you with the following phenomenally valuable and practical resources that we believe no B2C business owner in their right mind entering a cutthroat market should try to move forward without.

Here’s a breakdown of our process

1. The BrandStorm

Step one is to identify and qualify a specific target audience that you are uniquely qualified to engage with your solution(s) and create a persona prototype. We focus on specialization and amplification of value so that you can charge a premium. Then we determine a plan moving forward that will best suit your specific needs.

2. Systematic Target Audience Surveys/Interviews

You know what they say about those that ā€œass-u-me.ā€ We leave behind assumptions and interview some of the people who fit into the target audience weā€™ve identified. Whoever they are, we find disinterested 3rd party individuals who match our persona prototype and issue surveys or schedule casual but systematicĀ conversations. You’ll have a treasure of valuable information in their own words.

3. Target Audience Persona Design

The target audience persona comes from the data we gather; itā€™s a representation of our perfect customer, and there can sometimes be more than one. The psychographic details we gather will help us understand what triggers them to act, how they make decisions, etc., so that you can captivate their attention and engageĀ them.

4. Seven-Part Brand Story Script

Using the StoryBrand methodology, we will map out a Brand Story that resonates with your audience and positions them as the hero and you as their guide as we detail the villain thatā€™s the source of their problem and why you are best equipped to help them win the day. Using the power of narrative, you’ll capture the attention you need to effectively deliver your value proposition and sell more.

5. Your Brand Defined

We will create a profile of your entire brand, your mission, vision, positioning, personality archetype, values, voice & tone, and key points of differentiation. Weā€™ll develop marketing and social media guidance, talking points, and a social media strategy. We will also conduct a competitive analysis of your competition and carve out a unique space that you can enter and dominate, ideally, as a category of one.

6. Marketing and Website Strategy

You get a powerful set of marketing tools that will help you engage your audience with skill right from the start and at multiple levels of awareness in their journey. Youā€™ll also get our breakdown of how to create more strategic and effective websites that drive more sales.

7. Brand Visual Identity Design

Your brandā€™s identity is visualized in a stunning Stylescape, which is a meticulously curated assortment of images, textures, typography, and colors that effectively convey the desired visual aesthetic of the brand for any design endeavor. With this in hand, web designers, social media experts, marketers, etc., can know exactly what your brandā€™s vibe is and can produce harmonious results.

8. Responsive Logo Design

Our logos ensure seamless visibility and visual impact on various devices by adapting and optimizing the logoā€™s presentation to different screen sizes and resolutions. With over 30 years of experience in logo design, nobody knows logos like Vectyr. You’ll have a better logo than your competition that will work anywhere you place it.

9. Social Media Design

Get the right on-brand graphic files like an avatar and background graphics for platforms that use them, like LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. Make sure that you stand out and get noticed without blending into the sea of sameness. Weā€™ll also create your copy and develop a winning LinkedIn profile for you and your business. Youā€™ll look and sound legit and appeal to your target audience.

10. Brand Story Website

Using our proprietary theme, Vortex, we can take everything created from our branding process, such as copy, graphics, photos, etc., and set up your website and take it live in as little as a few hours. This will help you start advertising and collecting leads as soon as possible.

10. Guidance and Consulting

We will be with you for 6 months on how to manage your brand architecture effectively like a pro from this point forward.

Branding FAQs

Wow, but I’m busy will this require a lot of work from me?

Nope, your part is easy. You get to answer some key questions and participate in some strategic thinking but we do all the hard work and heavy lifting while you get to sit back and give the final thumbs up or down.

How long does it take?

You are good to go in about 4 weeks turnaround. Sometimes it can go faster, but we never, ever, ever, sacrifice quality for speed.

What kind of assurances can you give me?

We only work with a few brands at a time so that we can focus our resources to achieve the best results with each client. We work relentlessly until we have achieved nothing short perfection and you are 100% satisfied with what we deliver; that is our guarantee ā€“ we don’t have dissatisfied clients.

What if I need some additional help after everything is done?

We don’t disappear on you at the end, we remain on-board with you for up to 6 months to help manage your brand, educate you, and ensure that everything is executed brilliantly.

If you’re feeling fired up and want to get started, we’ll kick things off with a BrandStorm. This is our creative discovery session where we listen, strategize, and afterwards, propose a plan of attack in a creative brief.

Whether you become a Vectyr client or not, you’ll have the clarity and confidence to know what you need to do.

Here’s what a few of our favorite clients have to say:

Thatā€™s why I hire smart branding guys like you to solve for the big picture. You nailed it.
Jody Rookstool
Founder of Built Bar & QuickFresh
Steve is the best there is in his field. His artistic and creative genius is like no other. Any work Vectyr has done for our company has been on time and better than we anticipated!
Glen Hancock
Owner, Advanced Financial Strategies
As the owners of Hometown Leatherworks, we were struggling to define our ideal customer and create a cohesive brand identity and Vectyr’s expertise and guidance was instrumental in transforming our business. Vectyr’s branding process was a revelation for us and Hometown Leatherworks has experienced a significant transformation. We now have a clear brand identity that resonates with our ideal customer. Our messaging is consistent, and our products are better aligned with our target market’s desires.
Tina Hancock
Hometown Leatherworks
From all of us I just want to say thank you! Your vision for the branding and logo has been spot on what we have wanted and we are so happy with your work! Monday I got to use some of this for the first time and ended up [landing a high-paying client] ā€¦ Seriously we all wouldnā€™t be surviving without you and your knowledge! You are an important piece of starting a successful business for sure.
Adam Layton
Energy Home Improvements
Vectyr did a great job on my branding. They were very quick and organized with their dealings with me as a customer. They are honest and the products they deliver are fantastic.
Scott Christensen
Founder, Rx Rehab

Vectyr brands are designed to win:

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